Hello! My name is Alice and I am a Global Justice postdoctoral scholar at University of Denver’s Korbel School of International Studies.
For more about me, please see here.
Feel free to look around and if anything catches your eye, or you think we could work together, please get in touch!
Oi, entre em contato! * * Escribeme!
Illustrations credit: Atefeh Morshedi; Photo credit: Beatriz Escobar; Website design support: Georgios Varnavides.
You can also find me on Google Scholar and Academia.edu
Collaborations, community engaged work, and reflexivity about my positionality, are central to what I do and to more meaningful work in the long term.
I was a graduate affiliate of the UC Berkeley Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) and participated for years in a writing group with the Institute for the Study of Societal Issues. I’m working on several co-authored writing projects.
I’m engaged in several activist movements and organize in the U.S. and Brazil, and participated in the Learning Community for Graduate Scholar-Activists through the UC Berkeley American Cultures Program. While at UC Berkeley and with other students, I organized to shift the climate of the department, and through a historic strike across the UC system, fought for better conditions for student workers including graduate student instructors and researchers, through the UAW-2865 (union).
I have been an organizer and created several panels with the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES), primarily 21st Century Alternatives: Global Alternatives to Patriarchy, Racial Capitalism, Militarism, and Climate Change track since 2018 and each year organize with local activists. For CIES 2024, we co-organized around the theme, “the Power of Protest” with educators and activists fighting against book bans and other conservative politics, which began with a march for Florida Educators.
I have also presented at the American Sociological Association (ASA), Latin American Studies Association (LASA), American Educational Research Association (AERA), and other conferences and community fora. I participated in research groups at UC Berkeley and the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro on digital methods, social movements (NETS) and anti-racist education (Gepear).
For about 10 years, I worked as a researcher and research consultant on projects about gender and gender-based violence with several organizations including Action Aid; Promundo (now Equimundo); UN entities such as UN-Habitat and UNFPA; and The Feinstein International Center at Tufts University.
Here are a few examples of scholar-activist events I have co-organized:
The other kind of movement I love is dance, so you can also find me in contemporary dance communities!
Taylor, A.Y., Seto K.S. June 2013: Promises and Contradictions in the Brazilian Democratic Transition. Latin American Perspectives.
Taylor, A.Y., Da Trindade, A., Tarlau, R. From ‘Sites of Struggle’ to ‘Complicit in Struggle’: Social Movements and the University in Brazil. Teachers College Record.
Taylor, A.Y. Student-feminist movement relationships in post-dictatorship Brazil and Chile. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 1-17.
Taylor, A.Y., Gordon C.D., Pereira, A.A. On the matter of Black lives across the Americas: Historical, transnational, and educational perspectives on anti-racist struggles in Brazil and the U.S. Comparative Education Review
Taylor, A.Y. Co-authoring speeches, constructing collective identity: Brazilian youth movements from ethnographic and discursive analytic perspectives. Ethnography & Education, 17(3)
Taylor, A.Y., Murphy-Graham, E., Lauro, G. Conceptualizing controlling behaviors in adolescent intimate relationships. Partner Abuse, 10(2)
Taylor, A.Y., Murphy-Graham, E., Van Horn, J., Vaitla, B., Del Valle, A., Cislaghi, B. Child marriages and unions in Latin America: Understanding the roles of agency and social norms. Journal of Adolescent Health, 64(4), S45-S51.
Moura, T., Spindler, E., Taylor, A.Y. Portugal’s masculinities crisis: Gender equality in the era of flagging economies. Revista Ex aequo, 32.
Taylor, A.Y. Protecting internally displaced women leaders in Colombia. The Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration, 1(1).
Taylor, A.Y., Moura. T. Gendered urban violence(s) and non-violent trajectories in Rio de Janeiro. Book chapter in English and Spanish in Vulnerabilities in Contexts of Violence. International Development Research Center and Siglo XXI
Taylor, A.Y., Fonseca, V., Lauro, G. Girls’ Sexuality: reflections for promoting girls’ rights based on two studies. In Ser menina no Brasil contemporâneo marcações de gênero em contexto desigualdades [Because I am a Girl in Contemporary Brazil: Gender in the Context of Inequalities]. UNICEF, Plan International, Instituto Indica
Taylor, A.Y. Lula in Historical and Political Context. Spectre Journal.
Taylor, A.Y. Brazilian youth mobilize in the streets and through the digital during Coronavirus and beyond. Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) Blog.
Barker, G., Taylor, A.Y., Robbins, M. In Brazil, the World Cup is over but the sexual violence continues. Huffington Post Online.
(Co-wrote education section with a small group.) Strengthening efforts to prevent violence against women. Education Section, Declaration of Pachuca.
For a list of select research reports and educational materials, please see here.
Dissertation Abstract
Articulating Youth: The Politics and Practices of Brazilian Youth Movements Summer 2023
by Alice Y. Taylor Doctor of Philosophy in Education and the Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender, and Sexuality
University of California, Berkeley Professor Tianna Paschel, Co-Chair Professor Glynda Hull, Co-Chair
This study investigates the rise and formation of contemporary, progressive youth movements in Brazil between 2013 and 2023, and it demonstrates how youth connected and transformed student activism to broader societal and intersectional struggles. As in other parts of Latin America, Brazilian student movements have been and remain significant to the nation’s political history. Yet as policies such as race- and class-based affirmative action contributed to increasingly diverse universities, young people called for a transformation that would reflect the classed and racialized changes of their institutions. In 2013, massive protests reflected uneven educational and social structures alike, and catalyzed a new set of youth movements. Youth proposed to continue student struggles, but also to engage out-of-school youth and take on broader societal struggles beyond school and university walls. This ambitious proposal was filled with opportunity as well as challenges and contradictions. This study examines this transformation: how and why movements organized as “youth” and the ways in which they navigated plural struggles.
The study took a multi-sited ethnographic approach to fieldwork between 2018 and 2022 and included over one hundred interviews and multimodal analysis of digital and historical archival artifacts. RUA (“Street”) Anti-Capitalist Youth Movement, Juntos! (“Together”) (and a related popular education movement, Emancipa and Juntas! feminist movement), are the movements of focus. The main theoretical framework guiding this dissertation, “articulating youth,” begins from a premise that youth do not organize spontaneously, nor do they act in isolation from other social movements. They were shaped in relation to the political context and Brazilian (student, Black, feminist) movements, and to transnational movements. I use the term “articulation” (Stuart Hall, 1980) to refer to the processes by which youth activists analyze and connect movement struggles, political projects, and identities. Taking up the double meaning of articulation, I examine discourses and forms of meaning-making by which youth navigate these interrelated parts.
The study makes two primary arguments. First, by organizing as “youth,” activists work to democratize politics and society. By re-working the category of youth as a political category, they engage in breaking open otherwise stagnant or unquestioned identity categories, instead blending, aligning, and (re)creating categories. In doing so, they conceptualize (anti)capitalism as an overarching structure, and connect it to classed, racialized, and gendered manifestations. Second, this study recasts education as existing in formal classrooms but also in informal, non-formal, and formal ways through social movements. The research highlights how spaces of everyday life, like social movements, become valued sites of learning and meaning-making. It demonstrates too how movements dynamically and collectively produce forms of language and literacies, bringing continuities but also shifts from context to context, practice to practice.
These plural forms of movements required youth to engage in what I theorize as projects of articulation, and each chapter traces those articulations. Following a chapter that introduces the historical context (Chapter 2), Chapter 3 examines articulation among and within social movements such as the building of alliances. Next, Chapter 4 focuses on articulation between the street and social media. I argue that youth activists’ early experiments with digital tools set a foundation in ways that would shift over the next decade in relation to the street. I conceptualize Brazilian youth movements as “hybrid” movements that emerged from powerful collective action in the streets, and were mediated by and combined with the proliferation of digital technology and social media. This interconnected history of youth activists’ hybrid practices was consequential to how they organized, and how they made meaning in and through movements. Chapter 5 traces partisan politics and social movements. As they claim power in public spaces, youth movements and candidates do not only seek formal representation but propose a different way of doing politics, a novel youth political culture of audacity. The study concludes (Chapter 6) with the Congress of the National Student Union of 2023, and offers final reflections.
This study investigates youth movements during a critical turning point in Brazilian history marked by a revitalization of protests after many years of infrequent protests, a proliferation of digital technology and social media, deepening inequalities, and during a period of intense political polarization. Their hybrid and multimodal actions recast notions of the public and public space, and participatory and democratic forms of deliberation. As youth “occupy,” they reclaim public spaces as those that can and should be filled with Brazil’s working class and marginalized citizens. As they defend student and intersectional struggles, youth activists engage in the contested work of building a political left with implications for Brazil and the Americas, envisioning and enacting an alternative society for the future. As education scholars grapple to rethink what counts as civic and political education in ways that reflect youths’ lives, the study points to social movements as often overlooked sites of deep, youth-led forms of political engagement. Youth activists engage in (re)constructing democracy at the national level, and as they collectively commit to the everyday work of coming together and learning in struggle. Ultimately, it is through these politics and practices, that young activists reveal how they sustain movements over a decade by organizing across geographic scales, from the local to the national and transnational.
A presente pesquisa investiga a ascensão e a construção de movimentos de juventude progressistas e contemporâneos no Brasil, entre 2013 e 2023. Tal investigação demonstra como militantes jovens conectaram e transformou o ativismo estudantil com lutas sociais e interseccionais mais amplas. Como em outras partes da América Latina, os movimentos estudantis brasileiros foram e continuam sendo significativos para a história política do país. No entanto, enquanto políticas públicas - como as de cotas raciais e étnicas e de classe social - contribuíram para universidades cada vez mais diversas, os/as jovens buscavam uma transformação que refletisse as mudanças de classe e raça que ocorreram dentro das suas instituições estudantis. Em 2013, protestos em massa, conhecidos como as jornadas de junho, lançaram luz às estruturas educacionais e sociais desiguais e catalisaram um novo conjunto de movimentos de juventude. Nesse contexto, os movimentos de juventude tinham como principal agenda continuar as lutas estudantis, engajando a juventude fora da escola e assumindo lutas sociais mais amplas, para além dos muros da escola e da universidade. Esta proposta ambiciosa estava repleta de oportunidades, mas também de desafios e contradições. Este estudo examina essa transformação: como e por que os certos movimentos se organizaram como movimentos de “juventude”, bem como busca entender as formas pelas quais eles buscam se inserir e construir trajetórias de lutas plurais.
O estudo adotou uma abordagem etnográfica multissituada durante 2018 e 2022, incluindo mais de cem entrevistas e uma análise multimodal de artefatos de arquivo digital e histórico. O RUA Juventude Anticapitalista e Juntos!, bem como dois movimentos relacionados ao Juntos!, o Emancipa, de educação popular, e o Juntas! movimento feminista, são objetos foco desta análise. O principal marco teórico que norteia esta tese, a juventude como “articuladora”, parte da premissa de que movimentos de juventude não se organizam espontaneamente, nem atuam de maneira isolada a outros movimentos sociais. Eles/elas construíram seus movimentos em relação ao contexto político e aos diversos movimentos brasileiros (estudantis, negros, feministas) e aos movimentos transnacionais. Aqui, uso o termo “articulação” (Stuart Hall, 1980) para referir aos processos pelos quais jovens militantes analisam e conectam lutas por movimentos, projetos políticos e identidades. Assumindo o duplo significado da articulação, examino os discursos e as formas de construção de significado pelas quais os/as jovens se engajam em lutas inter-relacionadas.
O estudo apresenta dois argumentos principais. Primeiro, ao se organizarem como “jovens”, os/as militantes trabalham para democratizar a política e a sociedade. Ao refazerem a categoria de juventude como uma categoria política, eles têm como principal motivação ampliar categorias de identidade outrora estagnadas ou pouco questionadas, misturando, alinhando e (re)criando categorias. Ao fazerem isso, eles conceituam o (anti)capitalismo como uma estrutura abrangente e o conectam às lutas de classe, raça e gênero. Em segundo lugar, este estudo busca reformular a compreensão acerca da educação existente em salas de aula formais, mas também em contexto informal, não formal, e formal dentro e por meio de movimentos sociais. A pesquisa destaca como os espaços da vida cotidiana, como os movimentos sociais, tornam-se locais valiosos de aprendizado e de criação de significados. Também pretende-se demonstrar como os movimentos produzem formas de linguagem e letramento de maneira dinâmica e coletiva, trazendo continuidades, mas também mudanças de contexto para contexto, de prática para prática.
Essas formas de existência plural dos movimentos aqui analisados demanda um engajamento dos e das jovens no que chamo aqui de “projetos de articulação”, os quais são analisados em cada um dos capítulos da presente tese. Após um capítulo que descreve e analisa o contexto histórico que influenciou a construção dos movimentos (Capítulo 2), o Capítulo 3 examina a articulação entre movimentos e dentro dos movimentos sociais, bem como busca entender como essas articulações se dão através da construção de alianças. Posteriormente, o Capítulo 4 foca na articulação entre a rua e as redes sociais. Argumento que os primeiros experimentos de jovens militantes com ferramentas digitais estabeleceram a fundação do que veria a ser, na década seguinte, sua relação com as ruas. Conceituo então os movimentos de juventude brasileiros como movimentos “híbridos”, que surgiram de ações coletivas potentes nas ruas e foram mediados e combinados com a proliferação da tecnologia digital e das redes sociais. Essa história interconectada das práticas híbridas dos jovens militantes trouxe mudanças em como eles/elas se organizaram e como eles criaram significado nos movimentos e por meio deles. O Capítulo 5 descreve a política partidária, as eleições, e os movimentos sociais que se organizaram no período aqui estudado. Ao reivindicar o poder nos espaços públicos, os movimentos e candidatos jovens não buscam apenas representação formal, mas propõem uma forma diferente de fazer política, uma nova cultura política de juventude de ousadia. O estudo conclui (Capítulo 6) com reflexões do Congresso da União Nacional dos Estudantes de 2023, e por fim, apresenta reflexões finais.
Esta pesquisa buscou investigar os movimentos de juventude durante uma virada crítica na história brasileira marcada por uma volta dos protestos após um período de estagnação, uma proliferação de tecnologia digital e redes sociais, um aprofundamento das desigualdades, e um período de intensa polarização política. Suas ações híbridas e multimodais reformulam as noções de público e espaço público, e seu papel nas formas participativas e democráticas de deliberação. Enquanto os/as jovens “ocupam,” eles/elas reivindicam os espaços públicos como aqueles que podem e devem ser ocupados pela classe trabalhadora brasileira e pelos cidadãos mais marginalizados. Ao defender as lutas estudantis e interseccionais, os/as jovens militantes se engajam no contestado trabalho de construção da esquerda política com implicações para o Brasil e as Américas, vislumbrando e promulgando uma sociedade alternativa para o futuro. Enquanto os pesquisadores de educação repensam a educação cívica e política de maneira que reflita a vida dos/das jovens, o estudo aponta para os movimentos sociais como locais frequentemente negligenciados que podem ser entendidos como espaços de engajamento político profundo e liderados por jovens. Jovens militantes contribuem para a (re)construção da democracia em nível nacional enquanto se comprometem coletivamente com o trabalho cotidiano de se unir, construir, e aprender nas lutas. A traves dessas políticas e práticas, mostram como sustentam movimentos ao longo de mais de uma década, construindo seus movimentos em varias escalas geográficas, entre o local ate o nacional e transnacional.
Social Movements, Global Justice (2024, 2025)
Global Developments: Theory, History, Geography (discussion sections, 2 terms in 2019, 2022)
Digital Pedagogies (2023)
Contemporary Issues in U.S. Education (co-designed syllabus and online course, co-led instruction in one term, 2 terms in 2020, 2021)
Practicum in Education: field research methods in education settings (as GSI co-designed syllabus and online course, led instruction, 4 terms in 2018, 2017)
Introduction to Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies (discussion sections, 2020)
Race and (Un)belonging in American Culture, Gender & Women’s Studies (2019)
Gender, Culture, and Conflict in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (2010)
Other: Qualitative research trainings (Brazil, Republic of Georgia); invited talks, short courses and presentations
Designated Emphasis, Gender & Women’s Studies
Thesis: Internally displaced women leaders in Colombia’s armed conflict